Once considered to be the style statement of pirates and gangsters, tattoos have today become a predominant factor in every culture and community. People of all age groups can be seen sporting them with pride. However, there is a vast majority which utterly detests the ink on their bodies.

Sometimes a tattoo becomes the reminder of a teenaged misadventure or a troubled relationship that ended on a sour note. Thus there has been a surge in people looking for laser tattoo removal in Melbourne so that they can get rid of the ink. While planning the removal, most people want to know about the duration of the treatment.

However, there is no standard answer for this question as the ink can get removed in six sessions as well as 12. There are a variety of factors that decide the timeline, and you can get a clear picture after consulting an experienced laser technician. Let us help you understand what affects the duration of the procedure.

How The Treatment Takes Place

The ink is stored under the epidermis, and the laser technician uses a high-intensity light beam to break the pigment of the ink. The pigment is broken down into tiny particles which are flushed out of the body through the natural filtration process.

It utilises a highly targeted beam and does not affect the surrounding tissues or cause any burning or scarring. The procedure is not painful and feels like a rubber band snapping on the skin. For people who cannot bear the sensation, the technicians apply a topical anaesthetic.

However, you should only consult a trained and licensed practitioner for tattoo removal as an amateur can cause serious damage to your skin.

The Number of Sessions

Tattoo removal is a lengthy process and cannot be completed in one session. It takes close to 10-12 sessions which are scheduled six weeks apart to allow the skin to heal for the next appointment.

However, the number of sessions is dependent on a variety of elements, such as the size of the tattoo, its colour, its location and age. You can get a customised quote for the treatment timeline from a dermatologist after consultation and evaluation of your tattoo. Here are the elements that affect the timeframe:

Ink Colour

Black ink absorbs all the wavelengths, and thus, gets treated effortlessly and is quickly removed. On the other hand, tattoos with multiple colours are challenging and require the right technology, such as the Q-Switched laser beam to eliminate different colours like red, green, yellow, etc.

Age of the Tattoo

New tattoos can be removed easily is a common myth about laser tattoo removal. However, tattoos start fading as they become older and appear less prominent. Thus it is easier to remove the ink that was inserted to the dermis several years ago.

Size of Tattoo

It is quite obvious that a tattoo which covers a wide surface area will take longer to remove than a tiny one. Thus if you have a tattoo on your entire arm, then it will take much longer to remove than fading a small tattoo on the wrist.

Skin Tone

The laser is most effective when there is a clear differentiation between the skin colour and the tattoo ink. For people with darker skin tone, the laser beam used has to be of a higher wavelength so that it does not damage the surrounding skin.

However, the higher wavelength takes a longer time to achieve the results. Also, the use of low-frequency laser on dark skin can lead to hyper-pigmentation or scarring.

Experience of Tattooist

If the tattoo has been made by a professional, then the ink is most likely deep-seated in the dermis. On the other hand, amateurs are not very good with the penetration of ink and may not go too deep into the skin. Thus it becomes harder to remove the tattoo made by an experienced artist.

Immune System

As stated above, the pigment is broken down and removed from the body naturally. A healthy person with a strong immune system will witness a quick response to laser tattoo removal as compared to someone with weak immunity. Thus boosting the immune system can help in quick removal of the ink from the body.

Post Treatment Care

The healing time after each session is between six and eight weeks. However, it can increase if you do not care for your skin appropriately. It is mandatory to abide by the guidelines of the practitioner and use the ointments given for recovery from inflammation. Do not take a bath or go swimming for 1-2 days and avoid the gym for a few days after each session.

Exposure To Sun

The treated skin should be covered while going out and protected from the UV rays of the sun at all times as it can hamper the results of the treatment. Laser becomes less effective on tanned and sunburnt skin, so make sure that you do not expose it to sunlight.


If you are planning to undergo laser tattoo removal in Melbourne, then you must be aware of the fact that it is a long process. However, with proper guidance and caution, you can get the best results which are not possible with any other tattoo removal treatment.

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