Spending sunny days on the beach under the sun can be therapeutic. However, when you are undergoing laser tattoo removal, it is something that you should avoid. Many people are unaware of the impact of the harsh UV radiation on their skin and its interference with laser treatment.

It is essential to understand that sunbathing during laser tattoo removal in Melbourne can alter the results of the procedure. Thus, it is vital to keep yourself protected from sun exposure throughout the treatment.

Your practitioner will also recommend the same while giving the aftercare instructions. Here is why it is essential to follow this advice and how not paying attention to it can adversely affect the results.

 How Sun Exposure Affects Our Skin?

Lazing on the sundeck or the beach to get some vitamin D may seem rewarding. However, you need to understand that exposing your skin to the sun for a prolonged time also produces melanin. It is responsible for tanning and sunburns and makes laser tattoo removal less effective.

Sunburnt and tanned skin is not healthy and cannot undergo any skin treatment as it can lead to damaging results. For successful tattoo removal, the skin of the person should be in perfectly normal condition.

The changes on the skin are temporary and it becomes normal on it own after a few weeks of sun exposure. However, if you do not want to delay the laser tattoo removal treatment, you must stay away from the sun before, during and after the procedure. It ensures that the skin does not have to bear the harmful impact of UV radiation.

How Sun Exposure Impacts Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal involves directing a high-intensity light beam on the inked skin. If the area is already pigmented due to sun exposure, the increased amount of light can cause further pigmentation and lead to darkening or lightening of the skin. It is known as hyper or hypopigmentation, respectively.

If you happen to go on a beach vacation during the waiting period between two laser treatment appointments, you will be instantly affected. After the therapy, your skin is sensitive to heat and light and exposing it to sunlight can lead to burning and scarring.

You must keep in mind that Australians, in general, are exposed to high levels of radiation because of the thinning of the ozone layer. Also, the production of melanin due to the sunlight can be disproportionate and create an uneven skin tone.

It happens because the skin is not healed sufficiently after the penetration of the laser beam. It can lead to discolouration of the treated part. Thus, as suggested by the practitioner, you must avoid sun exposure at all costs.

If you have to venture out of the house, make sure that it is not during the peak hours of 10 am to 4 pm. Also, you must cover yourself in protective clothing and use a hat and umbrella. In addition, you must wear a water-resistant sunscreen of SPF 30 or above to keep the impact to a minimum.

 Precautions to Take During Laser Tattoo Removal

Usually, it is hard to keep Melbournians away from the sun as the city experiences UV index levels of more than three for the most part of the year. While sunbathing is the most favourite activity of people, you need to curtail it to keep your skin safe during the laser treatment.

If you are going for the first session, you must ensure that your skin is free from tanning. Thus, you must avoid exposure for at least six weeks before you start with the removal of the ink. If you do not follow the rule, your practitioner will make you wait until your skin comes back to its normal tone before beginning the process. Therefore, you will be extending the timelines and making them lengthier.

You should avoid the sun completely for four weeks after each session. It is necessary to avoid burns and get the best results. After four weeks, do not go overboard with your sunny escapades. Make sure that your exposure is limited to only 10 minutes, and you are always protecting the treated area.

 Can Fake Tanning Affect the Results?

Yes, if you are under the impression that tanning beds are not a matter of concern, you need to reconsider your plans. You must postpone getting a fake tan until you are getting your tattoo removed. According to experts, you must not use any fake tanning products two weeks before and after the laser therapy.

These products can lead to the skin absorbing toxins that make the immune system sluggish. In some cases, the tanning products include activators, which can cause pigmentation similar to the one produced by the UV radiation of the sun.

Some people may have side effects like blisters and scabbing after a laser session because they do not properly care for the treated skin. If the blistered or broken skin is exposed to the sun, the results can be excessively harmful.


Sunrays can have a significant impact on laser-treated skin. Thus, if you are planning to undergo laser tattoo removal in Melbourne, you must stay protected and take all the precautions to get the best results.

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